Soroptimist International
Sierra Nevada Region
Board of Directors

Stacey Jensen joined Soroptimist in 1995. She is currently a member of SI Metropolitan Las Vegas She has held all club level positions including four times as a District Director. She has also served as E-Blast Coordinator & SOLT Coordinator for the region.
Stacey was born and raised in Las Vegas, NV. She moved to Northern Nevada in 1994 (Elko, NV) and stayed there for 23 years. She has a long career in Broadcast Radio and Casino/Brand Marketing. She moved back to Southern Nevada in 2016 to take on a Special Events Management position at a famous hotel casino here in Las Vegas. She has since transitioned to a Customer Success Management position with a technology company working with several casinos world wide.
Fun Fact about Stacey: She was very active in community theatre and loves being on stage and also backstage doing tech work. Her father was a Stage Manager in Las Vegas for many years and she learned from the best! She has several stories of “Brushes with Fame”. She also loves to roller skate and Love Love LOVES Roller Derby!!

Governor Elect
I am a fourth generation Californian and have lived in various beautiful spots in the Northern region. In 2008 my husband, Marshall, and I moved from Novato to the Sierra Foothills in Auburn to be closer to my extended family. My first new local friend introduced me to Soroptimist and, not knowing a thing about the organization, joined up to meet “these wonderful new women”. What a great surprise to unfold the Mission of Soroptimist and to embrace it wholeheartedly!
The rest is “herstory”: After becoming a member in 2009, part of the original club branched out to charter S. I. of the American River, accommodating the working women who wanted to meet in the evenings. I quickly became Fundraising chair for the first fundraiser, the infamous Bling on the Holidays! Next came other board positions: Director of Membership and Program, another stint as Director of Fundraiser, President in 2012-2013, 2013-1014 and another term 2021-2022. What a gift, working with and for women and girls!
After all of that, District 4 Directorship became a reality in 2022-2024 and it has been a joyous exciting honor to serve further!
After studies at UC Santa Cruz and College of Marin, I jumped into the construction industry, starting out in retail for the lumber trade, kitchen and bath design and sales. After being told I could not go further in that avenue “because I was a girl”, I leapt into outside sales in the lighting industry, working with building engineers, city and state entities. This led to being a manufacturer’s representative, and Regional Sales Manager, calling on designers, architects, and engineers. All of this, working with people, is my dream!
Fun fact: I love Improvisation and performed with a troupe throughout Marin and Napa counties. This evolved to my current passion as a Voice Actor.

Hi, I’m Maureen Mason and am delighted to be the SNR Secretary for the 2024-2026 biennium. I joined Soroptimist in 2006 after moving to Yreka, CA from the Bay Area. Over the years I participated in all aspects of the club and had the privilege of being club president three times.
At Sierra Nevada Region I’ve worked as; 2020-2022 Region Soroptimist Development Retreat Coordinator, 2018-2022 Member of the Region Bylaws Committee, 2018-2020 District 1 Representative on the region nominating committee. 2016-2018 District 1 Director, 2016 – 2019 SDR presenter, 2014- 2016 Region Soroptimist Celebrating Success coordinator and 2013-2014 represented District VI on the SNR Women Honoring Women Who Served Project. I’ve also enjoyed attending SNR conferences 2008- 2022; region SDR meetings 2008-2022 and 13 district meetings. In addition, I attended the SIA Biennial Conventions – 2022 Virtual, 2020 Virtual, 2014 Vancouver; 2012 Hawaii and 2010 San Francisco as club delegate.
I received a Bachelor of Science from the University of California, Davis. After college I found myself working in the insurance industry eventually working for the California Department of Insurance gradually working my way up to Deputy Insurance Commissioner for the State of California, the first woman to hold that position. I traveled extensively across the United States for work which I thoroughly enjoyed.
In 2004 we decided to move to Yreka, CA where we were restoring an 1879 Victorian. Shortly thereafter we began building our home on a 50 acre spread north of Yreka in the Little Shasta Valley of Montague, CA which is 20 miles south of the Oregon border. We stayed there surrounded by acres of range land, beautiful views of Mt. Shasta, horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, Great Danes, and a barn cat. For the cattle, the last 90 days we provided them with a special grain mixture and a liter of wine daily. Amazing what wine does for the beef.
In 2021 realizing the ranch was more work than we wanted to keep doing we sold and moved to Carson City, NV. Now all our family and closest friends are 10 minutes to 2 hours away instead of 5-6 hours. I’m a member of SI Carson City, am enjoying getting to know these interesting women and am thoroughly enjoying living in a city again.
Fun fact: I served in the Peace Corps in Columbia, South America where I taught kindergarten and life skills in the mountainous region of central Columbia, an awesome experience.
Retired now, we are never without something to do, but sometimes wonder where time has gone and what we’ve done with it.

Evie Wright joined SI Davis in 2016. She has served as assistant treasurer, treasurer, president elect, and
president of her club, as well as chairing the finance committee, membership committee, and Ruby
award committee. Being a Soroptimist has been a rewarding experience, allowing Evie to meet and
socialize with like-minded women while working towards a common goal. She looks forward to serving
Soroptimist as region treasurer.
Evie was raised in Davis and Napa, CA, before moving to the east coast for college. She taught
elementary school for two years in North Carolina and 10 years in northern Virginia before moving back
home to join the family business as the office manager. The Wright family has been in the water
treatment chemical business for over 30 years, and Evie is proud to join her sister in continuing the
family legacy.
Evie has two cats, Charlie and Callie, who she spoils rotten. In her spare time, Evie enjoys cross-stitching,
and has recently taken up golf.

District 1 Director
I have been a member of SI Downtown Redding since 2007 and I served as club President in 2012 and 2018. I have held many other club board positions and committee chair assignments.
I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, in LA county but I have been in Northern California since 1976 and now consider myself a “northerner’. I currently reside in beautiful Shasta County with my husband Rick and two new puppies.
I graduated from UC Davis in 1980 with a B.S. in Natural Resources and graduated with a J.D. from U.O.P. McGeorge School of law in 1984. I am currently retired but spent my professional career as an attorney practicing civil litigation with an emphasis on workers’ compensation. My last professional position was as an Assistant Chief Counsel with the State of California.
My interests include traveling and camping, as well as gardening and various church activities. I am committed to our Soroptimist mission of empowering women and girls through education, and I look forward to helping reach more women in need.

District 2 Director

District 3 Director

District 4 Director
Hi, I grew up in Sunnyvale, Ca. I attended DeAnza Junior College receiving an AA. I remained in Sunnyvale until my employer at Hewlett Packard, where I was a Strategic Procurement Officer, asked me if I would consider transferring to Roseville and be part of the startup team. I jumped at the chance. I continued working at HP (15 years) until my husband and I had our first child. We then made a joint decision for a career change to begin as “mommy”. Best decision as we soon began to grow our family to 4 children. I loved all that was part of being a stay-at-homemom. I was engaged in PTA, Girl Scouts, Little League, Cheerleading dance team, school fundraisers and all that focuses around 4 active kids. Over the years I would take various part-time jobs, at one time fortunate to return to Hewlett Packard in my same job capacity.
I have been a Soroptimist for 8 1/2 years at the Loomis Basin club. I joined immediately after attending a Soroptimist Meet and Greet Event. The women were all so kind and friendly sharing the Soroptimist Mission with such passion.
I have immersed myself within my club and have volunteered for many positions; Treasurer (2 years), President (2 years), Co-President (1 year) and various leadership roles in many service programs and fundraisers. All with a happy heart and joy.
As District Director I would like the clubs in the district to get to know one another and share ideas. We all have the same mission; we are all have the same purpose. It’s always great when you see clubs support one another in fundraisers and programs. I’d like to see more collaboration between clubs and brain storm ideas on how we can accomplish more projects as a team. It is always a joy to meet women at our local clubs and I would like to see that relationship growwithin our district’s members.
I value my new position as District 4 Director for the next 2 years.

District 5 Director

District 6 Director
I was born and raised in Southern California. I moved to Las Vegas when I was 20, where I met my husband Chuck. We have one goofy dog, 2 grown children, 2 grandchildren, 3 grand kitties and a grand bunny. We also have two “adopted” grand-girls. I volunteered with many groups centered around my activities until my husband retired from law enforcement in 2002. In 2003 we moved to Spring Creek, which is in Elko County, Nevada. I became involved in the Chamber and then joined Soroptimist in Elko in 2008. I held every club position with Elko, including 3 years as President. We moved down to Pahrump in July of 2020 and I transferred my membership.
As President in Elko I hosted a Fall District Meeting, and led the club to achieve one of the top 3 positions in the 2015-2016 “All aboard the Membership” campaign. We were also one of the first clubs to host a Dream It Be It program, growing the event from 50 girls that first year to 150 girls in 2019. I was honored to be asked and appointed the coordinator for Dream It Be It for 3 years. I’ve attended almost all conferences and SDR’s since joining – learning from all the amazing women I’ve come to know and admire.
Some other tidbits about me — I had a successful crafting business for a number of years, was a tax preparer in Elko, helped many organizations with fundraisers and managed my husband’s band up in Elko, promoting it to one of the most requested ones in Northeastern Nevada. We enjoy camping in the summer, love my coffee and yes Christmas is my most favorite holiday.
My goal for this biennium is to unite our district and reestablish the friendships between us that Covid pushed apart. I’m here to help in whatever it is you need – just ask!