Fall District Meeting Season and valuable anti-Trafficking information!

Our new club year has officially started and the Fall District Meetings are underway!  Our first meeting was District 1, which is far northern California.  What a great group of women!In addition to all the information from Region representatives, they had a great presentation on trafficking from Linda Lucena.  She brought to our attention two apps that can help with fighting Sex Trafficking.  Please check them out! The first is called Circle of 6 and is meant to prevent young girls from getting taken by traffickers: https://www.circleof6app.com/press/#materialVideo The second one is traffickcam.com and is an app for you to use in your travels to take pictures of the inside of hotel rooms that you stay in. Law Enforcement can then use the information to try to get a match and locate girls that are forced to have their pictures taken in rooms. She also shared the Blue Campaign which helps you identify victims of trafficking and tells you what you can do about it! : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M3wIL5vLfh-H4b1XlR7ytyczvRgXbOjn/view

Great stuff!

Then, this morning SI Washoe County shared this great blog on keeping your daughter safe from traffickers. So valuable: http://renomomsblog.com/2018/09/16/what-you-need-to-know-about-sex-trafficking-in-reno/

See you soon at your district meeting!

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